I realized that when I download and listen to music it comes naturally because I do it so frequently. Here's some steps I go through to listen to my music, I happened to choose Bob Marley...
1) open iTunes
2) go to library--> music
3) upper right hand click in the search box
4) type in "Bob Marley"
5) look for songs you wanted to listen to, don't hear it? let's buy it!
Steps to buying music...
1) go to STORE and click on iTunes store
2) wait patiently while it accesses store
3) when it opens, the homepage will have new album releases, top songs, top movie rentals, etc.
4) type in "Bob Marley" in search engine (upper right)
5) click on song to preview it
6) above songs click on the album where the song resides (if you can't find it or want more songs from that album)
7) choose to buy certain song or whole album
8) choose new artist, repeat
Some improvements I thought of were when songs are searched ath the iTunes store they could possibly be organized better so it is not as hard to find them. For example songs should be in order the way the original album is and in order by release dates for the album. Lyrics would be a huge improvement on iTunes because a lot of people are always curious as to what the lyrics are to songs but have to go online to check them out, and sometimes they are not online. If wist lists were available on iTunes the buying process would be faster for the consumer; this would be better for iTunes as well as the consumer.